BookBub Mastery by Nick Thacker
Nick Thacker’s BookBub Mastery is a very practical how-to manual. But I frequently found myself giggling through it.
Maybe it’s because I know Nick. Maybe it’s because I can practically hear him reading the entire book aloud to me (no, there’s no audio version of this yet). Maybe it’s because I can imagine the faces he’s making while writing each sentence. But I giggled and giggled through the entire book. It’s full of Nick’s confident sarcasm, ironic statements, and even a pun or two. But all of that aside…
I bought BookBub Mastery because one of the many things I do for my authors is schedule their promotions. And while some of them do their own submissions for BookBub, there are a couple that leave that up to me. And I knew this was one area I wanted to get better in. So I bought the book. And, of course, even though the book DOES include a free spreadsheet with instructions on how to use it, I still couldn’t resist myself and made my own spreadsheet for each of my authors that I submit to BookBub for. Nick has also mentioned in interviews that Ricardo Fayet from Reedsy has created his own version of the spreadsheet that you can get for free from Reedsy.
BookBub Mastery is truly a great resource that every indie author should be have for reference.
The Indie Author Mastory Series includes:
Platform Mastery
BookBub Mastery
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Adriel Wiggins
Owner, Adriel Wiggins Author Services and Consulting
Hello! I’m Adriel Wiggins, wife, mother of three, bibliophile, art geek, and all around student. I’ve been on a quest all of my life to learn as much as I possibly can about everything I possibly can. This has helped me tremendously in what eventually became my life’s purpose: to help other people become the best version of themselves. It is in that line that I became an assistant.
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