
Of Sin and Sanctuary by K. J. Jackson

by | Feb 19, 2018

K.J. Jackson’s Revelry’s Tempest Series includes: Of Valor and Vice Of Sin and Sanctuary I have not read Of Valor and Vice. Of Sin and Sanctuary was gifted to me by a friend who loves to send me books I would never see otherwise. Of Sin and Sanctuary was good. But I don’t think it’ll make my list of favorites. Even though it was a historical romance, it didn’t feel like one. And, yes, I know that’s totally subjective. I enjoyed the characters and the plot. The descriptions were good, but not great. And the dialogue was good, but not great. Actually, the whole thing was good, but not great. I might be a little spoiled to know so many truly great authors. Do I recommend Of Sin and Sanctuary? Yes. It’s enjoyable. It’s got mystery and danger and romance and birth order angst. Just…don’t expect Dickens. 4/5 Stars.      

I only post reviews for books I am not connected with. If I beta read or edited the book, or work as a virtual assistant for the author, I do not post a review. However, authors occasionally send me books to review.

Projected* schedule for Book Reviews for 2018:

1st Monday: Fantasy or Sci-Fi (what I read the most)
2nd Monday: Random book (could be anything, but expect a lot of mysteries)
3rd Monday: Romance (might have sex, but will not be any relationship that is not MF)
4th Monday: Non-Fiction (inspirational, biographies, instructional)

*Due to LIFE being a factor in my life, this schedule might not actually happen.
Adriel Wiggins

Adriel Wiggins

Owner, Adriel Wiggins Author Services and Consulting

Hello! I’m Adriel Wiggins, wife, mother of three, bibliophile, art geek, and all around student. I’ve been on a quest all of my life to learn as much as I possibly can about everything I possibly can. This has helped me tremendously in what eventually became my life’s purpose: to help other people become the best version of themselves. It is in that line that I became an assistant.

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