
Opalescent by Sara Elle Emm

by | Sep 30, 2015

**I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.** Opalescent is the second book in the Harmony Run series by Sarah Elle Emm. It continues the story of a distopian America, changed politically into a tyranny cut off from the rest of the world. This book is where the series really picked up for me and became truly interesting. As we discover more special abilities of people, and how they use them for both good and bad, the conflict rages more with each page. The pacing is much better in Opalescent than it was in Prismatic, and that pulled me into the story more fully. There are some continuity issues in the series, and they seemed to be most prevalent in this book. At least one of the sub-conflicts seemed completely unnecessary and fabricated more for tension than anything else. Despite these flaws, Opalescent was truly the beginning of this series for me. This is where I began losing sleep in order to read, catapulting the Harmony Run series into an elite group of series. Book Tour Banner

I only post reviews for books I am not connected with. If I beta read or edited the book, or work as a virtual assistant for the author, I do not post a review. However, authors occasionally send me books to review.

Adriel Wiggins

Adriel Wiggins

Owner, Adriel Wiggins Author Services and Consulting

Hello! I’m Adriel Wiggins, wife, mother of three, bibliophile, art geek, and all around student. I’ve been on a quest all of my life to learn as much as I possibly can about everything I possibly can. This has helped me tremendously in what eventually became my life’s purpose: to help other people become the best version of themselves. It is in that line that I became an assistant.

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